Change is Good

Left Brain Buddha has a new look!

Blue Flowers

Change is good, right?

When I launched Left Brain Buddha in April 2013, I had no idea how to design a website. I watched a few tutorial videos, chose a no-coding-knowledge-needed template, uploaded a few pictures of my garden, and voila! Left Brain Buddha was born!

As this site has grown, so has my knowledge of web design. As this site has evolved, so has its purpose.

Left Brain Buddha is about living mindfully and thought-fully. It’s about cultivating the practices and mindsets that bring us joy — and it’s about exploring all the research behind those practices. It’s the modern mindful life.

And as the site developed, it started to get crowded and cluttered — for a site about mindfulness, it looked really busy and overwhelming! I envisioned a new design with lots of clear open space and fewer distractions.

I hope you like this simpler design.

Change is good.

While we’re on the subject of change, I have exciting news to share with you about a HUGE upcoming change in my life.

I have spent the past seventeen years in the classroom, teaching high school social studies. I absolutely love teaching — I am passionate about history and I have been privileged over the years to work with incredible colleagues and amazing students.

As my mindfulness practice has deepened over the last several years, I have been working more intentionally on incorporating mindfulness into the classroom. This has led me to pursue certification as a Mindful Schools Instructor.

And I am feeling … (I’m not quite sure how to explain it)… called, inspired, moved … to work more directly to bring mindfulness to schools.

Last week, the school board approved my request for a leave of absence from teaching. I will spend the next several years focusing on teaching mindfulness — to teachers, students, and families.

This move feels simultaneously exciting and terrifying — to leap into the unknown, to explore a new path, to launch my own business.

I am reassured by the amazing support I have from friends and family, and from the community that’s been created on this site. I am reassured that this is the absolute right step for me — to pursue my deepest calling, to move into what Frederick Buechner describes as “the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.”

Change is good.

Don’t worry — Left Brain Buddha isn’t going anywhere!

In fact, I have some exciting new plans, including launching an e-course: Mindfulness for Beginners! This six-week course will be designed for left-brain buddhas — those of us who like the idea of mindfulness and like to read about it, but feel like our minds and lives are just too busy to actually practice mindfulness!

Look for details about the course in the upcoming months — and if you’re not subscribed to the newsletter, you can sign up here so you hear about it first!

Change is good.

What else has changed? Well, last week I turned 40…. I wrote this post last year about feeling some trepidation about the big 4-0. I said I would enter my forties with audacity. It certainly feels that way!

In fact, I was so audacious, I changed my hair color and hairstyle last week. Sort of.

Sarah Rudell BeachI mean, look! There’s some dark color in with the blonde! It’s a little more sleek! And I’m parting my hair ON THE SIDE now. Crazy times, friends. 🙂

Change is good.

But that’s enough for now.

Thanks for being on the journey with me.

Sarah Rudell Beach
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