Mindfulness for Mothers

Mindfulness for Mothers (6)being a mom is amazing…

and it’s also really hard!

I know what it’s like…

Some days you can hardly contain your joy.

And some days you just feel overwhelmed and depleted.

Some days your children are absolutely delightful.

And some days your children drive you absolutely crazy!

Motherhood truly is “the full catastrophe.”

We want to be calm, present, compassionate, and available as we do the important work of raising our children.

But that’s REALLY FREAKING HARD, isn’t it?!?

Here’s what I want you to know:

Mindfulness can help us meet the challenges of mothering with balance and ease.

let me show you how in…

mindfulness for mothers

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that transforms how you relate to your own life and how you engage with the world. When we practice mindfulness, we cultivate greater balance and ease. We learn how to be kind to ourselves and nurture ourselves.

Our mindful, compassionate, and engaged way of interacting with the world impacts everyone we come into contact with — including our children.

In this course, you will receive guidance and support for establishing a mindfulness practice, and then learn how to bring your mindful awareness and compassion to the day-to-day routines of parenting.