What Mindfulness Is Not, and What It Is

Vegas BuddhaThe Huffington Post has proclaimed that 2014 will be “The Year of Mindful Living.”

We hear about mindfulness everywhere these days – in schools, in yoga classes, even in executive board rooms. It may sound like a fad, or New Age mumbo jumbo. It may sound like people who are happy all the time, who think only about the present moment, or even manage the amazing feat of thinking of nothing at all! It brings to mind long meditation retreats and vast expanses of quiet time that seem to have no place in the life of a busy parent.

Well, I’m happy to be featured today on Mindful Parenting at Psych Central, clearing up some of our misconceptions about mindfulness, especially mindful parenting! Click on over to read more about what mindfulness is not, and what it is.

Sarah Rudell Beach
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