Do You Struggle with Meditation?

I do!


photo credit: HckySo via photopin cc

I have a hard time just sitting and being. I want to read, I want to be active, I want to DO something.

But meditation doesn’t have to be sitting and gazing at your navel. It can be active, engaged, and physical.

For those of you who also struggle with meditation, let me share with you my practice last night:

After exercising {practicing my dances for 30 minutes}, I started stretching. I closed my eyes, the way my yoga teacher in my slow-flow Sunday morning class encourages us to do. Closing my eyes, breathing deeply, and stretching my sore muscles was relaxing. It calmed my mind.

I played one of my favorite yoga songs on my iPhone: Krishna Das’ Sita Ram.

Down Dog. Cat and Cow. Seated Forward Fold. Child’s Pose. Breathe. Final Resting Pose.

I find that my best meditation practice is when I am engaging my body.

What works for you?


Want more? Here are some of my other posts for struggling meditators:

Left Brain Buddha’s Guide to Starting a Meditation Practice

Five Tips for People Who Don’t {Yet} Like to Meditate

Secular Lectio Divina: Meditative Practice for Left Brain Buddhas

Sarah Rudell Beach
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