What Do You Believe?

What Do You Believe?

My not-quite-a-manifesto… I believe… “We are all star stuff.”  Nearly 14 billion years ago, the cosmos and all the matter of the universe burst forth, and you and I and the entire world are radiant pieces of that initial spark of creation. We all possess...
Change is Good

Change is Good

Left Brain Buddha has a new look! Change is good, right? When I launched Left Brain Buddha in April 2013, I had no idea how to design a website. I watched a few tutorial videos, chose a no-coding-knowledge-needed template, uploaded a few pictures of my garden, and...
Inside My Writing Process

Inside My Writing Process

A few weeks ago, Allison from Go Dansker Mom tagged me in a post about writing — specifically, a series of posts that bloggers have been sharing lately to take us inside their writing process. I have loved reading how other writers approach their craft, and I am...
Left Brain Buddha is ONE!

Left Brain Buddha is ONE!

My fellow cyber-world friends,  A year ago this week, I started this blog with very little knowledge of blogging, HTML, or social media. But today, I am proud and honored to report to you… … that the state of Left Brain Buddha is … STRONG! {Fervent...