by Sarah Rudell Beach | Nov 26, 2018
‘Tis the season for resolutions, goal-setting, and happiness-seeking. It’s a natural desire to want to improve yourself, accomplish new things, and bring joy to your life. In fact, when we’re asked what our ultimate desire is, we often reply, “to be...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Oct 22, 2018
When I meditate, I have a lot of profound thoughts. I ponder deep questions like, “Do I follow too many people on Twitter?” One time, as I sat watching my breath, I thought, “meditation kind of reminds me of Monet’s paintings of the cathedral in Rouen.” {I...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Sep 18, 2017
Of all the parenting approaches out there, you would think one that reflects teachings and ideas from such varied sources as psychology, Buddhism, and even Seinfeld (stay with me here) would provoke little controversy. But in keeping with our American tradition of the...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Feb 27, 2017
A lot of people don’t realize that the Buddha had a child. In fact, I own a book called If The Buddha Had Kids. And when I first heard about mindful parenting as a new mother, I thought, “The Buddha would have felt a lot differently about this whole living in...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Sep 12, 2016
Zen. Just the word sounds relaxing. We think of Zen gardens, and Zen meditation, and we say things like “she’s so Zen.” But sometimes, Zen is a bit of a mindf#ck. Have you ever tried to read some actual Zen teachings? Try this one from a “Zen master”: “Learning Zen is...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | May 9, 2016
Perhaps the most important and beautiful concept in the Buddhist tradition is equanimity. Buddhist teacher Joseph Goldstein says one could argue “that the whole path [to enlightenment] rests on the maturing of this powerful, … beautiful factor.” What is Equanimity?...