by Sarah Rudell Beach | Mar 20, 2014
I’m done with school, but I’m not done with learning. As many of you know, in addition to this blogging/writing gig, I am also a high school social studies teacher. I am one of the lucky history majors who actually gets to make direct use of their history major...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Feb 3, 2014
A few months ago, I wrote this post about how our cultural ideal of motherhood is portrayed in parenting magazines. Not surprisingly, the messages were variations on two main themes: 1) only mothers know how to properly parent, and 2) they enjoy every moment of said...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Jan 28, 2014
It’s Award Season! Some of my lovely mommy blogger friends and I thought we would have fun combining the #365FeministSelfie with Award Season. The #365FeministSelfie is all about showing women as they are, no filter, no primping, no perfection, and perhaps no...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Jan 26, 2014
Welcome back to the Brilliant Book Club for Parents! Today, we’re reflecting on our reading of Avital Norman Nathman’s The Good Mother Myth. I’d love for you to join our discussion by participating in the comments, and by reading my fellow Book Club members’ posts...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Jan 23, 2014
Several months ago, my family watched The Incredibles for movie night. My children, inspired by the idea of an entire family of superheroes, gave everyone in our house special powers. They anointed themselves with quite a few: flying power, killing bad guys and mice...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Jan 13, 2014
Selfies are everywhere right now. It was the 2013 “Word of the Year.” They fill up your feeds on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook {and probably other social media sites I haven’t even heard of}. Selfies are described as narcissistic, empowering, and...