Dance as Moving Meditation

I would only believe in a God who knows how to dance. Friedrich Nietzsche Dance is intimately connected with spiritual practice and religious worship. Think of whirling dervishes, aboriginal trance dances, Shiva keeping the world in balance with his cosmic dance, and...
Create a Meditation Space in Your Home

Create a Meditation Space in Your Home

The spaces in our homes are often defined by the activities that are important to us. We have spaces for eating, sleeping, playing, and cooking, and perhaps other spaces for sewing, writing, reading, painting, or model train building. We label the rooms of our homes...
The Power of Habit: Morning Meditation

The Power of Habit: Morning Meditation

Do you have a morning routine? For some of us, the “routine” might be getting up and drinking coffee while checking email and catching up on Facebook and Twitter. While the coffee part is lovely (and likely necessary), the immediate dive into social media...
Time for Meditation? A Meditation on Time.

Time for Meditation? A Meditation on Time.

There’s this cool talent I have. I first became aware of it during a trip to Mexico in 1999. I was lying on the beach, spending a long day relaxing, reading, and enjoying the ocean air as I escaped a Minnesota winter with my parents and sister, when my sister turned...
A Musical Holiday Meditation

A Musical Holiday Meditation

Deep, centering breath… As we approach the end of December, we approach many magical days. The beginning of Winter Break, the Winter Solstice, Christmas, New Year’s Day. We will have time to rest, to turn inward, to gather with family and friends. Tomorrow {December...