Just This Next Step
A familiar Chinese proverb reminds us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We know this to be true on a “duh, of course you start moving with one step” level, but we sometimes forget the larger meaning of this simple message...Read moreWhen we spend our time wishing everything would just go faster we are not fully present.

Equanimity and Other Lessons Blowing in the Wind
Wind has always been my least favorite weather condition. When it snows, I can wear my warm furry boots. When it rains, I can walk comfortably under my umbrella. When it’s cold, I can bundle up in my down jacket and knitted cap. But when it’s windy? I get...
Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude
One of the simplest and most powerful things we can do to make ourselves a whole lot happier is to practice gratitude. (Seriously, the research on gratitude is pretty solid — if you aside time to count your blessings it actually boosts your...