How to NOT Be a Cranky, World-Weary Adult

How to NOT Be a Cranky, World-Weary Adult

If you’re a slightly cranky, world-weary adult {and my unscientific research indicates that’s about 93% of us}, you’ll want to learn this simple lesson from my son. And let me warn you that my son is 7, so approximately 85% of the things he finds...
Spring Cleaning with Meaning

Spring Cleaning with Meaning

Put some SPRING in your spring cleaning! I certainly don’t dance like this enthusiastic lady breaking out into a jig over clean laundry, but I have to admit: I LOVE CLEANING. We often associate cleaning with words like chore or drudgery, but cleaning can be a...
Mindfulness Practices To Help Kids Calm Down

Mindfulness Practices To Help Kids Calm Down

Mindfulness is a powerful practice for adults, and it is a great tool that we can share with children to teach them strategies for calming down and paying attention. I am super excited that my son has joined me once again to help you teach mindfulness to your...
Why You’re Not Finding Time For Yourself

Why You’re Not Finding Time For Yourself

“I just can’t find the TIME!” I hear that a lot, especially from people in my sessions who tell me they’re “too busy” to meditate. “I just can’t find the time!” As if “time” is something they lost and...