by Sarah Rudell Beach | Apr 16, 2018
If you’re a slightly cranky, world-weary adult {and my unscientific research indicates that’s about 93% of us}, you’ll want to learn this simple lesson from my son. And let me warn you that my son is 7, so approximately 85% of the things he finds...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Apr 2, 2018
Put some SPRING in your spring cleaning! I certainly don’t dance like this enthusiastic lady breaking out into a jig over clean laundry, but I have to admit: I LOVE CLEANING. We often associate cleaning with words like chore or drudgery, but cleaning can be a...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Mar 25, 2018
Mindfulness is a powerful practice for adults, and it is a great tool that we can share with children to teach them strategies for calming down and paying attention. I am super excited that my son has joined me once again to help you teach mindfulness to your...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Mar 19, 2018
“I just can’t find the TIME!” I hear that a lot, especially from people in my sessions who tell me they’re “too busy” to meditate. “I just can’t find the time!” As if “time” is something they lost and...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Mar 5, 2018
In the northern hemisphere, we’re slowly emerging from the coldest part of the year. And while many of us in these northern climes enjoy getting outdoors in the winter, some of us are, shall we say, indoor people. We don’t like the cold, and kind of wish...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Feb 12, 2018
“If the Earth were your body, you would be able to feel the many areas where it is suffering.” Thich Nhat Hanh It’s distressingly easy to find suffering in the world right now. On top of that, we’re divided politically, our civil discourse is anything but...