by Sarah Rudell Beach | Oct 23, 2017
OMG teens are stressed these days, amiright? According to the latest research from the American Psychological Association, teens report higher levels of stress than adults do (at least during the school year). And almost half of teens say they’re not doing...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Sep 18, 2017
Of all the parenting approaches out there, you would think one that reflects teachings and ideas from such varied sources as psychology, Buddhism, and even Seinfeld (stay with me here) would provoke little controversy. But in keeping with our American tradition of the...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Sep 11, 2017
For a humanities-and-history-major-type, I have become pretty computer-savvy over the last few years — learning the ins and outs of blogging and website development, and even a little bit of coding! But I can still be brought to my knees by a malfunctioning mac....
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Sep 4, 2017
A few weeks ago, my curious and adventurous puppy wandered into a bush in our backyard and came upon a wasp nest. He bolted from the thick branches, with many wasps in pursuit, yelping in pain. As I bent down to pick him up, I felt a painful sting in my arm, and did...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Aug 21, 2017
In our current political climate, you’d be forgiven for thinking that anger and division are just part of who we are. In my years of teaching high school, by the time students reached my classroom they were pretty set in their opinion that it is basic human...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Jul 24, 2017
Okay, I admit, I have used the beautiful, air-brushed, unrealistic photos of people meditating in my posts and promotional materials. I mean, the people are just so pretty and they live in such beautiful, air-brushed, and organized places. But I’m sure these...