Mindful Parenting: Equanimity and a Screaming Child

Mindful Parenting: Equanimity and a Screaming Child

Perhaps the most important and beautiful concept in the Buddhist tradition is equanimity. Buddhist teacher Joseph Goldstein says one could argue “that the whole path [to enlightenment] rests on the maturing of this powerful, … beautiful factor.” What is Equanimity?...
Mindful Mix Tape

Mindful Mix Tape

Ever have one of those moments when you’re listening to the radio, and you realize every song is a perfect reflection of the current cultural milieu? As a social studies teacher/historian/anthropologist by training, I tend to (over) analyze the world around me....
Is Mindfulness a Religion?

Is Mindfulness a Religion?

Mindfulness is everywhere these days. We had the Year of Mindful Living and we’ve entered the age of the Mindful Revolution. My local burger joint has a mindful menu; Whole Foods sells Mindful Mayo. Mindfulness is expanding from clinical and therapeutic settings...

A Reading List: 5 Books That Will Make You Think

If there’s one thing that visitors to Left Brain Buddha have in common, it’s that we’re thinkers. And that means we love the books that make us THINK — we devour the latest publications full of new ideas, fascinating research, and timeless...