by Sarah Rudell Beach | May 3, 2015
Do any of these apply to you? you often feel distracted, and you know you could be more productive if you could just concentrate better! you’re anxious a lot (maybe sometimes you can’t fall asleep at night because your mind just won’t “turn...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Apr 6, 2015
When I give a presentation about mindfulness, the most common question people ask me at the end of my session is this: “How has mindfulness helped YOU?” I think what they’re really asking is, Is this whole meditation thing worth it? Am I actually...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Mar 16, 2015
In his classic text The World’s Religions, religious scholar Huston Smith asserts that one of the strengths of Hinduism is its recognition that people are different. Hinduism identifies four basic “spiritual personality types” – reflective, emotional, active, and...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Feb 9, 2015
Colleague: “How are you?” You: “BUSY!!” Sound familiar? We pride ourselves these days on our “busy-ness,” as if being busy were a sign of achievement and value in and of itself. I’ve written before about how we can ban...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Feb 2, 2015
I am so excited to see all the research coming out lately on the benefits of teaching mindfulness in schools! A sampling: The University of British Columbia released the results of a randomized controlled study of fourth- and fifth-graders who participated in a...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Jan 26, 2015
In the midst of all the news of the violence and hatred and ugliness in the world in the last few weeks (months, years…?), we can sometimes lose sight of the sheer beauty and true awe-someness of our little part of the universe. My good friend Liv Lane says that...