Mindful Breathing Meditation

Mindful Breathing Meditation

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” Thich Nhat Hanh Why Mindful Breathing? Mind-body practices almost...
Well-Worn Paths: 5 Ways to Disable Your Autopilot

Well-Worn Paths: 5 Ways to Disable Your Autopilot

The well-worn path to the garden Buddha We’ve gotten A LOT of snow here in the last few weeks. So much so that it’s been difficult for my little pups to navigate their way around the backyard. At first, they were almost up to their heads in snow. But...
Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids

Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids

When my son started kindergarten, I was THRILLED (to say the least) to learn that his teacher was introducing the kids to a different mindful breathing practice each week. (The breathing strategies are from the Conscious Discipline model developed by Dr. Becky...