by Sarah Rudell Beach | Oct 24, 2013
A week from today it will be Halloween. My 8th Halloween with children. Reflecting on the last eight Octobers, beginning with the October of 2006 in which my daughter was born, I am caught in that strange place between wondering how it’s all gone so fast, and...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Oct 17, 2013
The best part of my day is… … when I manage to find a few moments to myself, in a quiet and empty house. I sit in my favorite chair and read a good book, with a cup of coffee flavored with a yummy creamer. It is calming, rejuvenating, nourishing, and… Wait!! I mean,...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Oct 15, 2013
Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. If you’ve experienced this kind of loss, you know what it’s like for a dream to be shattered. You may know what it is like to feel completely alone with your grief. If you know someone who has gone through...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Oct 9, 2013
Dear Abby, You are not actually crying in that picture. Did you know that babies do all sorts of practice faces while they sleep? Practice smiles, practice grimaces, and practice cries. And wow, did your practice pay off! In fact, in light of all the parenting...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Sep 23, 2013
I’ve shared with you before that when I was pregnant, I envisioned slow and quiet days at home with my baby. The most frequent image in my mind was of me rocking my baby in the nursery, nursing and sleeping, while listening to classical music on NPR. And there...
by Sarah Rudell Beach | Aug 15, 2013
As my husband got up to shower, I scooped up the little new addition to our family. Normally, I would have been doing my pre-mama morning “things I love” ~ reading the paper, enjoying coffee, or, most likely, sleeping in. Instead, I went downstairs as I held my sweet...