Left Brain Buddha

the modern mindful life

Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids

Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids

When my son started kindergarten, I was THRILLED (to say the least) to learn that his teacher was introducing the kids to a different mindful breathing practice each week. (The breathing strategies are from the Conscious Discipline model developed by Dr. Becky...

Just Dance!

Just Dance!

"Laughter, song, and dance are so woven into the fabric of our everyday life that we can forget how much we value the people who can make us laugh, the songs that inspire us to roll down the car window and sing at the top of our lungs, and the total freedom we feel...

Meet Holiday Stress with Mindfulness

Meet Holiday Stress with Mindfulness

Ah, yes, it's that time of year when the days get colder and darker and we honor our body's natural inclination to turn inward and be silent--- OH, WAIT. THAT'S NOT HOW WE DO IT. Instead, we rush to mail our holiday greetings, attend all the gay happy meetings, find...

Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters

We all have the opportunity to be a Daymaker every day. We always have the chance to choose kindness and compassion. We can do small things with great love.

5 Ways Meditation is Like a Monet Painting

5 Ways Meditation is Like a Monet Painting

While sitting in silent meditation, the following thought popped into my head: “Meditation kind of reminds me of Monet’s paintings of the cathedral in Rouen.” Seriously. Read what the Impressionists can teach us about meditation, the self, impermanence, light, sensation, perception, and the fleeting impression of NOW.

There’s Something Happening Here…

There’s Something Happening Here…

... and what it is, I think, is pretty clear. A few years ago, I had the privilege of attending a day-long retreat and workshop led by Jon Kabat-Zinn (who developed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the late...