Left Brain Buddha
the modern mindful blogThis is Almost 40
Almost 40 is full of possibility. It is less hover-parenting. It is being able to hear my own thoughts even while my children are awake. Almost 40 is stability and movement. It is discovering and pursuing my passions. I’ve always viewed “almost 40” with trepidation. But almost 40 is pretty awesome.
I Want to Tell You About My Vision Board!
My vision board for 2014 ~ how I made it and why I love it!
Advertising Motherhood: Variations on a Theme
Advertising lets mothers know: only we can parent our children, and we love every minute of it. As Jean Kilbourne says, we need to do something we rarely do: take advertising seriously. Advertisements sell not only products, but ideas about normalcy.
What to Expect When You’re… Reading Left Brain Buddha
A funny thing happened when I started blogging. I thought I couldn’t be funny. I mean, my blog is called Left Brain Buddha. Those are some serious words. And I wanted to be taken seriously. And when I think of the Buddha, I envision this: But isn’t the Buddha also...
#365FeministSelfie Hits the Red Carpet: “Who Are YOU Wearing, Mom?”
It's Award Season! Some of my lovely mommy blogger friends and I thought we would have fun combining the #365FeministSelfie with Award Season. The #365FeministSelfie is all about showing women as they are, no filter, no primping, no perfection, and perhaps no makeup....
“Remember When You Said You’d Never Have Kids?”
Welcome back to the Brilliant Book Club for Parents! Today, we’re reflecting on our reading of Avital Norman Nathman’s The Good Mother Myth. I’d love for you to join our discussion by participating in the comments, and by reading my fellow Book Club members’ posts...
Women Who Run With the … Vacuum?
Several months ago, my family watched The Incredibles for movie night. My children, inspired by the idea of an entire family of superheroes, gave everyone in our house special powers. They anointed themselves with quite a few: flying power, killing bad guys and mice...
Feminist Selfie. Motherhood Selfie. Fatherhood Selfie. Buddhist Selfie?
Selfies are everywhere right now. It was the 2013 "Word of the Year." They fill up your feeds on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook {and probably other social media sites I haven't even heard of}. Selfies are described as narcissistic, empowering, and everything in...
Can Money Buy Happiness? Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Research
If I had a million dollars… I’d put a lot of money into my children’s college funds and into my retirement fund. Because planning financially for the future is important. I’d embark on some fun home improvement projects: new windows, new exterior, bathroom remodel,...
What Mindfulness Is Not, and What It Is
The Huffington Post has proclaimed that 2014 will be "The Year of Mindful Living." We hear about mindfulness everywhere these days - in schools, in yoga classes, even in executive board rooms. It may sound like a fad, or New Age mumbo jumbo. It may sound like people...
Rite of Passage: Ready for Air, Ready for Motherhood
I love reading and writing about motherhood. I recently finished reading Kate Hopper’s memoir Ready for Air, in which she recounts her difficult pregnancy, her daughter’s premature birth, followed by weeks in the NICU, and her first few months at home as a new mother....
My Word of the Year. {And Why I Totally Think It Should Be “Frog.” Seriously.}
Do you do the whole “Word of the Year” thing? It’s kind of an anti-resolution meme ~ rather than make a long list of pounds to lose, exercises to do, novels to write, and organic, free-range, sustainable, and vegan foods to eat, you simply choose one word. You...
For Auld Lang Syne
Have you ever wondered what "Auld Lang Syne" means? Or why we sing it this time of year? {I'm envisioning the ending scene of When Harry Met Sally here...} Well, it's an eighteenth-century Scottish poem, set to a traditional folk song. Auld lang syne means "old long...
The 13 Best Books I Read in 2013
One of my favorite end-of-the-year traditions is all the "Best of" lists that come out in December. With no further ado, here is my list of the 13 best books I read in 2013. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand I normally don’t read war books, but this one was absolutely...
A Musical Holiday Meditation
Deep, centering breath… As we approach the end of December, we approach many magical days. The beginning of Winter Break, the Winter Solstice, Christmas, New Year’s Day. We will have time to rest, to turn inward, to gather with family and friends. Tomorrow {December...
When Mantras Fail: The Therapeutic Value of an F-Bomb
Many times I have shared with you the value of mantras – centering phrases, like “Let it be” or “It is what it is” – to sustain us during our parenting challenges. Our mantras remind us to breathe and not let our frustration take over. Most of the time, they work. But...
Holy Testosterone, Batman! {Why are Superheroes So ANGRY These Days?}
In the midst of the holiday season, you may feel you need Superhero strength to find the perfect gifts for your children. I don’t know if I can help you scale the Target toy aisle in a single bound, but I AM teaming up with some awesome and funny mommy bloggers to...
Maxed Out: Our Bodies, Ourselves, and The Personal Is Political
The Brilliant Book Club meets today! We are discussing Katrina Alcorn's Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink. I hope you'll join our conversation about the state of motherhood today! ***** In Maxed Out, Alcorn describes her journey as a working mom, with two children...