Left Brain Buddha

the modern mindful blog
It’s What We Do

It’s What We Do

Mindful Moment: It Is What We Do From Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening In India, there is a story about a kind, quiet man who would pray in the Ganges River every morning. One day after praying, he saw a poisonous spider struggling in the water and cupped his hand to...

Multiple Universes and Shimmery Rivers

Multiple Universes and Shimmery Rivers

In the movie Sliding Doors, Gwyneth Paltrow plays a woman whose life splits into two parallel paths. In one, she just makes it onto the train before the doors slide shut, then arrives home early to find her boyfriend cheating on her, and begins to remake her life. In...

Do You Struggle with Meditation?

Do You Struggle with Meditation?

I do! I have a hard time just sitting and being. I want to read, I want to be active, I want to DO something. But meditation doesn't have to be sitting and gazing at your navel. It can be active, engaged, and physical. For those of you who also struggle with...

A Florentine Renaissance

My best summertime memory this year was…. I feel like I wrote a lot this summer about my favorite memories, and I didn’t want to simply repeat myself in this Finish the Sentence Friday post. Instead, I want to share memories of a long ago summer, a summer that I...

The Best Laid Plans…

The Best Laid Plans…

I’m a planner. An organizer. A scheduler. I still have a notebook from when I was in junior high, where I scheduled my morning getting-ready routine {e.g., 5:00am shower, 5:10am get dressed, 5:12am do hair.} Seriously. I love binders. And structure. And routine. And I...