Left Brain Buddha

the modern mindful blog

Bad Habits and Blurred Lines

I hesitated to share this post today. This post is about controversy, feminism, and frustration. None of the things I envisioned when I created the mission and purpose of Left Brain Buddha. {I have a habit of overanalyzing things.} But feminism is a fundamental part...

5 Mantras for Mindful Parenting

5 Mantras for Mindful Parenting

Yesterday I enjoyed one of the outings mothers dream of: I went to Target by myself. As I sorted through my coupons at the checkout counter, I heard a screaming child. A nasty tantrum. My first thought was that it sounded exactly like the screams from the terrified...

Learning to Say “No”

Learning to Say “No”

We’ve all heard this advice, haven’t we? We need to learn to say “No,” to scale back our commitments so that we aren’t so overstretched that we don’t have time for ourselves and our family. And sometimes, that advice is really easy to follow. Coach my daughter’s...

Sharing the Love!

Happy Lovely Friday! I am in Chicago today for the awesome BlogHer Conference ~ and I LOVE that I am meeting many of the amazing bloggers that I link up with every week for Finish the Sentence Friday! This week our posts are about the best and the worst parts of...