Left Brain Buddha

the modern mindful blog

Kill the Buddha. Keep Meditating.

There's a Buddhist saying: "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!" It sounds pretty violent and un-Buddhist, but it means if, in your search for enlightenment, you think you've found the Truth, you must kill it, and keep searching. Anyone who claims to know...

Self-Esteem isn’t Selfish

The Around the World In Six Weeks Parenting Blog Carnival continues today! Over the next several weeks, Deb of Urban Moo Cow, Jessica of School of Smock, Lauren of Omnimom, Stephanie of Mommy, For Real, and I will be writing about our reactions to Christine...

Mindful Eating: We are HOW we eat

Mindful Eating: We are HOW we eat

Food and eating are important parts of culture. Thinking of food only in terms of calories, nutrients, and ingredients is like thinking of language as simply a collection of phonics, syllables, and parts of speech. Food, like language, is a form of expression. It is...

Parenting without … Sleep!

Parenting without … Sleep!

When some fellow bloggers and I first heard about Christine Gross-Loh's new book, Parenting Without Borders: Surprising Lessons Parents Around the World Can Teach Us, we were intrigued. This book addresses many of the tough questions of parenting: Where should kids...

Independence: Creating Family Traditions

Independence: Creating Family Traditions

Finish the Sentence Friday: The best 4th of July I ever had was... I have wonderful memories of celebrating the 4th of July with my family as a child. When I was in elementary school, the moms in the neighborhood would organize a parade ~ we’d decorate our bikes and...