Left Brain Buddha
the modern mindful blogBreathe and Smile: A Mindful Moment for your Monday Morning
Left Brain Buddha is reclaiming Monday mornings! Not manic, but mindful. Each Monday I’ll share a short passage or mantra for a moment with the breath, accompanied by a photo from my photographer {my husband 🙂 }. I’ll share highlights from my Smile File for the...
Five Strategies for Teaching Mindfulness to Children
How many times do you think you have asked your children to "pay attention"? How many times do you think you have told them to "calm down"? It's probably about A MILLION BILLION, right? But... Have you ever taught them HOW to pay attention? HOW to calm down? Being...
You Might Be a Left-Brain Buddha If… {10 Ways to Tell!}
In starting this site, I had a picture in my mind of what a “Left Brain Buddha” is ~ analytical, “Type A,” reflective, cerebral, and a lover of the life of the mind. I’m certainly not implying that other Buddhas, yogis, and mindful types are not reflective and...
Welcome to Left Brain Buddha!
Mindful Parenting, Take 1: "My children are painting, laughing, we’re mindfully enjoying the moment and ... omigod! - paint is spilling, the three-year-old has started finger painting, clothes are getting messy, and is that paint on the dog? OK, that’s it, we need to...
Eleven Things to Know About Me
I'm starting off very un-Buddha-like, feeding my ego with a list of eleven things you might like to know about me: I am a non-extreme couponer. I have a coupon binder. I do not have a lifetime supply of pasta and toilet paper. I once taught a year of Sunday School...