Left Brain Buddha
the modern mindful blogA Sacred Secular Life
Mindfulness — paying attention to the present moment with curiosity and acceptance — is a perfect “secular sacred” practice. We focus on the NOW with reverence, for this moment will never arise again. When the NOW is SET APART in this way, we can see clearly — and we can choose skillful and compassionate action.
The Totally Obvious Thing a Mindful Mama Overlooked
I’ve spent so much time teaching my daughter the strategies I use to calm down and practice mindfulness, that I overlooked how very different her needs often are. An epiphany story…
Mindful Parenting: Equanimity and a Screaming Child
Mindful parenting is not perfect parenting. It’s applying our mindful awareness to the practice of parenting. It is cultivating equanimity, even in the midst of chaos. It’s learning to surf instead of being tossed around in the storm.
Mindful Mix Tape
Sometimes EVERY song on the radio is a perfect reflection of the cultural milieu. Check out this mix tape that let’s you rock out to the Biebster and Flo Rida… and call it a mindfulness lesson.
Is Mindfulness a Religion?
As mindfulness becomes more popular these days, many are concerned that it is religious, or that it requires religious convictions. Learn more…
A Reading List: 5 Books That Will Make You Think
If there's one thing that visitors to Left Brain Buddha have in common, it's that we're thinkers. And that means we love the books that make us THINK -- we devour the latest publications full of new ideas, fascinating research, and timeless wisdom. It's been a while...
How to Start a Meditation Practice: A Guide for Beginners
Ready to start a meditation practice, but no idea how to get started? Some simple suggestions and answers to common questions…
Mindful Parenting: It’s Not About “Liking” It
I really like ~ in fact, love ~ being a mom. But sometimes, I don't "like" motherhood. We can pretty much say this about anything else in our lives without people batting an eye. Think of how acceptable it is for women to complain about and mock their husbands {cue...
Mantras: Let’s Get This Under Control!
Many people find my blog each day searching for mantras. What’s interesting is that they often search for “mantras to control children” or “mantras to control anger.” But mantras are not about controlling our minds or our children. They are tools, the navigational instruments we use to sail upon the stormy seas of parenting and living. Here are some of my favorites…
If Your Brain Could Text You While You Meditate
Meditation is not about NOT thinking. Anyone who has sat down to observe their breath for more than a few seconds knows that the monkey mind tends to go apesh!t the minute we slow down enough to listen to it. After seeing all the cute posts about what dogs and cats...
Mindful Moves for a Happy New Year
Happy New Year!!! I hope you have had a joyful, restful holiday season. Today, we venture into a new year. And although it's really just another day, there is something powerful about changing our calendars and going back to month number 1. We spend a bit of time in...
Gifts of Presence (a Giveaway!)
In the spirit of giving and sharing, I am excited to announce my Gifts of Presence Giveaway!
A Mother’s Search for Meaning
a personal post about how my life journey is coming full circle this month
It’s Hard to Be a Kid! Tips for Compassionate Parenting
Sometimes, it actually IS hard to be a kid! Here are some things I’ve learned about compassionate parenting, especially in those moments when it’s tough!
On Target: How We Can Actually, Seriously Learn About Mindfulness Inside the Big Box
Anyone who knows me knows I love Target. Not even a nation-wide credit card system failure keeps me from making my weekly pilgrimage to this mecca, which for me is actually located in a city named Medina, as I hunt down and gather the necessary items for my family's...
365 Tiny Love Challenges — Review and Giveaway!
Got Kindness? The more I research and learn about the practices that lead to joyful, meaningful, and satisfying living, the more I am convinced that the single most important virtue, and practice, we can cultivate is COMPASSION. When we are kind to ourselves and...
9 Life Lessons From Beverly Hills, 90210
I am a huge fan of Beverly Hills, 90210. I’ve seen EVERY EPISODE. TWICE. {Okay, more like five times.} I graduated from high school the same year as Donna Martin, though with far less drama. As my grownup self watches reruns of the show that guided me through the formative years of high school, college, and early adulthood, I am often surprised by the deep, Zen-like wisdom hidden beneath the surface of the Peach Pit, California University, and Casa Walsh.
10 Important Lessons for Your Life Journey from “Rising Strong”
We’re ALL going to have “facedown in the arena” moments. And arenas are EVERYWHERE, dammit. So here’s how you get back up. Here’s how you become the author of your life journey and RISE STRONG.