Left Brain Buddha
the modern mindful blogForgive me… {a giveaway}
Forgiveness is not about weakness, or letting people off the hook. It’s about giving up resentment. It’s a powerful practice for healthy, joyful living.
Resources for Teaching Mindfulness to Your Children
Probably the number one search query that leads people to my site is a variation on "how do I teach mindfulness to kids?" Which is FANTASTIC because our children need mindfulness. We ask them to pay attention! and calm down! ... and we don't really teach them how to...
Some Things Up With Which We Should Not Put
What if we took a break from meanness & judgy-ness? What if we shared kindness & empathy in our Facebook feed? What if we realized we’re really all the same?
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Parents: 5 Ways to Make Parenting More Joyful
Does parenting sometimes feel like “All Joy and No Fun,” as Jennifer Senior describes it? Find out how ancient wisdom can help modern parents!
What’s YOUR Story?
“In the real world your … brain actively writes words on every single person or image you see. And the words and phrases that [y]our brain write[s] on people, projects, and goals … change not only your perspective but your motivation, engagement, and creativity.”...
Helping Kids Feel All the Feelings — Inside and Out
Go see Inside Out. And then read this list of activities to do and conversations to have with your kids!
leaving the classroom
I am leaving the classroom empowered, not embittered. I am leaving the classroom not because I think the system is so broken or dysfunctional that I have to escape, but because I know I can transform it.
Mindful Reminders
Ideas for creating reminders — in our homes, our workplaces, or our daily routines — that serve as calls to mindfulness.
This is Mindful Parenting
Mindful parenting is noticing, accepting, responding, breathing, misstepping, adjusting, and starting anew. Every moment, every day.
The Summer Reading List
Compelling, thought-provoking reads for the summer!
What Do You Believe?
This I believe— my not-quite-a-manifesto
Mindfulness and the Human Condition
Mindfulness helps us cultivate attention, sensory clarity, and equanimity. It helps us avoid distraction and overwhelm. In short, it helps us deal with the human condition!
Why I Wake Up at 4:45am to Meditate Every Day*
Even though 4:45am is still the middle of the freaking night for most people, that’s when I wake up every day to meditate. Here’s why…
Secular Lectio Divina: Meditative Practice for Left-Brain Buddhas
If you’re a left-brain, reflective type, you may want to try ‘secular lectio divina’ — a traditional meditative practice based on slow, reflective reading.
Change is Good
Left Brain Buddha has a new look! And I have some exciting announcements! Read more….
10 Words to Use Instead of BUSY
Colleague: "How are you?" You: "BUSY!!" Sound familiar? We pride ourselves these days on our "busy-ness," as if being busy were a sign of achievement and value in and of itself. I've written before about how we can ban "busy" from our lives, and still get stuff done....
Why We Need Mindfulness in Schools
A summary of the latest research findings about the power of mindfulness in schools!
What a Wonderful, Beautiful World!
In the midst of all the news of the violence and hatred and ugliness in the world in the last few weeks (months, years...?), we can sometimes lose sight of the sheer beauty and true awe-someness of our little part of the universe. My good friend Liv Lane says that...