Left Brain Buddha

the modern mindful life

5 Ways to Be Mindful While Using Your Phone

5 Ways to Be Mindful While Using Your Phone

The average mobile phone user checks their device over 200 times per day. Yep, per day (according to research cited by Mary Aiken, Ph.D., in her book The Cyber Effect). That means we check our phones every five minutes. The Internet that these powerful...

5 Ways To Be Mindful at Work

5 Ways To Be Mindful at Work

Scenario: You're sitting in your Monday morning meeting, but your thoughts begin to drift into the past (perhaps to the movie you saw with your kids over the weekend) or into the future (perhaps to the next meeting on your agenda). Suddenly you realize you're not...

The Joy of Going Slowly: Moving Without Arriving

“It is important to note that movement alone, done automatically, without attention, does not provide the brain with any new information…. The moment we bring attention to our movement, any movement, research shows that the brain resumes growing new...

Well-Worn Paths: 5 Ways to Disable Your Autopilot

Well-Worn Paths: 5 Ways to Disable Your Autopilot

The well-worn path to the garden Buddha We've gotten A LOT of snow here in the last few weeks. So much so that it's been difficult for my little pups to navigate their way around the backyard. At first, they were almost up to their heads in snow. But eventually they...