Loving and Kind New Year Wishes

Loving and Kind New Year Wishes

In the spirit of self-kindness and compassion, I’m doing the resolution thing a little differently this year. When we practice lovingkindness, we traditionally wish good things for ourselves: “May I be happy, healthy, safe, and loved.” For 2017, I...
After the Election, Tend the Garden

After the Election, Tend the Garden

There’s kind of this perception out there that mindfulness teachers are always perfectly calm and “zen.” We’re not. Exhibit A: Screenshot of texts between me and a friend on election night (black boxes = unskillful language): I must confess,...
What are we Practicing?

What are we Practicing?

This post is a video lesson about our habits… and how we can start changing them! Start with the video below (it’s about two-and-a-half minutes long): Below, you can find the poem referenced in the video: Autobiography In Five Short Chapters Chapter I I...
6 Ways to Manage Election Stress with Mindfulness

6 Ways to Manage Election Stress with Mindfulness

Political stress is a thing. Over 50% of Americans said that they were “stressed out” about the 2016 election even before election day, and therapists have reported an uptick in clients in distress over political concerns. About a quarter of us report that...
“Powering Through” Doesn’t Make Us Powerful

“Powering Through” Doesn’t Make Us Powerful

Even though I’m a total political junkie, I try to keep this space politics-free. But last week, the body politic stepped right into the mind-body arena. Talk of health and pneumonia and dehydration and exhaustion and stamina and rest and tests became all the...
What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is everywhere these days. The Huffington Post proclaimed 2014 “the year of mindful living,” Time magazine featured the “Mindful Revolution” on a January cover, and now Whole Foods has Mindful Mayo, and our local burger joint has...